From the
Weston Mercury:
Rail ticket collectors in Highbridge are cracking down on fare dodgers by only opening one door at the stop.
The new procedure allows the conductor to monitor all passengers and ensure money is collected off those who look like they may try to avoid paying. However, this has outraged other honest passengers who now feel inconvenienced by the set up.
Regular passenger Jane Dawson was travelling between Weston and Highbridge when the lady ticket conductor asked her to move her heavy bags along to another door exit. Mrs Dawson, of Huntspill Road, said: "Apparently, when these yobs and hoodies get on the train at Highbridge, they tell the ticket collector they have no money and just get off at the next stop which is Bridgwater. This would, of course inevitably delay the decent, law abiding passengers who have already bought tickets, but who cares about them when there are dishonest, anti-social louts trying to travel for nothing. It is just another example of the loutish behaviour of the young, unemployed and unemployable human detritus of Highbridge, who, while most probably already on benefits, also want something for nothing."
Mrs Dawson questioned the conductor on this matter and she politely said there is not much else she could do in such situations.
A First Great Western spokesman said: "The safety of our customers is at the forefront of everything we do and if a guard is concerned that trouble could erupt from suspected fare dodgers on board the trains, they will make the decision to use selective door opening. Although this is a difficult decision to make, which can inconvenience customers slightly, we feel their safety is more important. In addition, we try to do everything we can to limit fare-dodging to keep our fares as low as possible."