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Great Western Coffee Shop
As at 14th February 2025 03:48 GMT
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Elizabeth Line Industrial Action - 2025
In "Transport for London" [358288/29893/46]
Posted by Ollie at 22:35, 13th February 2025
ASLEF have announced strike days for drivers working for Elizabeth Line

Dates announced so far are: 27th February, 1st March, 8th March and 10th March from 00:01 to 23:59.

More information can be seen on the ASLEF press release:

Re: Incident at Trowbridge station
In "Portsmouth to Cardiff" [358287/29891/20]
Posted by grahame at 22:33, 13th February 2025
Sorry the day started like that, hope it hasn't cost you an arm and a leg.


A superbly informative day and such a contrast in many areas.    Home a few minutes ago

Rail Innovation Exhibition, Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, 13.2.2025

06:32 Melksham to Westbury arrive 06:55
07:00 Westbury to Paddinton arrive 08:35

18:36 Paddington to Westbury arrive 19:58
20:06 Westbury to Melkshan arrive 20:21

06:36 left Melksham late at 07:15 arrived Westbury 07:30.
Connection not held so ...
Dropped back to 07:57 from Westbury, arrived Paddington 09:24

18:36 Paddington to Westbury left on time but 20 mins late as Westbury
Connection not held so ...
Dropped back to 21:16 from Westbury, arrived Melksham 21:31

So that's
Outbound - 49 minutes late arrival
Homeward bound - 70 minutes late arrival

I will write up the conference and exhibition tomorrow.

Re: First Bus and passenger space heating
In "Buses and other ways to travel" [358286/29892/5]
Posted by Mark A at 19:27, 13th February 2025
Always a bit worried about the drivers, one having picked me up from a notoriously cold stop the other night and he was a bit blue around the edges too.


Re: First Bus and passenger space heating
In "Buses and other ways to travel" [358285/29892/5]
Posted by LiskeardRich at 19:15, 13th February 2025
Already liked by Mark A
The current sustained three degrees centigrade (and flurry of cancelled services) and also the memory of making it to the seats at the front and downstairs to sit within reach of a small grill that emitted warm air - on what may have been a London routemaster... all this  caused me to reflect on 'Heating on buses' which in 2025 often doesn't seem to be a thing.

It's so much not a thing that I wondered if Optare buses might actually be not fitted with heating for the passengers at all. Looking *that* up though, they do.

Then, the next hit on the web search was to a couple of threads in railforums with wry observations that various bus companies turn off the heating in winter as that benefits the engine - and then turn it on in summer to provide additional engine cooling - and then an interjection from another bus operator that he was passionate that his firms bus's did not run with heating defects and that any that did were repaired immediately. Where the truth is in all this I'm not sure.


Optares are about the only modern vehicles that are fitted with heating. It’s forced through the vents at the rear seats from the engine bay.

Re: First Bus and passenger space heating
In "Buses and other ways to travel" [358284/29892/5]
Posted by PrestburyRoad at 17:46, 13th February 2025
Already liked by Mark A
The current sustained three degrees centigrade (and flurry of cancelled services) and also the memory of making it to the seats at the front and downstairs to sit within reach of a small grill that emitted warm air - on what may have been a London routemaster... all this  caused me to reflect on 'Heating on buses' which in 2025 often doesn't seem to be a thing.

This reminds me of the 1960s when I was a schoolboy travelling on London buses.  Most of my journeys were on the older buses, RT/RTL/RTW, and these had no heating at all.  Until latterly some of them had a small heater fitted underneath one seat at the front right of the lower deck.  Oh the delight of getting the seat behind the heater and warming my cold feet on that heater!  And then we got the luxury of an occasional journey on the new Routemasters, which had the built-in warm air heating outlets, on both decks.

First Bus and passenger space heating
In "Buses and other ways to travel" [358283/29892/5]
Posted by Mark A at 17:19, 13th February 2025
The current sustained three degrees centigrade (and flurry of cancelled services) and also the memory of making it to the seats at the front and downstairs to sit within reach of a small grill that emitted warm air - on what may have been a London routemaster... all this  caused me to reflect on 'Heating on buses' which in 2025 often doesn't seem to be a thing.

It's so much not a thing that I wondered if Optare buses might actually be not fitted with heating for the passengers at all. Looking *that* up though, they do.

Then, the next hit on the web search was to a couple of threads in railforums with wry observations that various bus companies turn off the heating in winter as that benefits the engine - and then turn it on in summer to provide additional engine cooling - and then an interjection from another bus operator that he was passionate that his firms bus's did not run with heating defects and that any that did were repaired immediately. Where the truth is in all this I'm not sure.


Re: "Old Worse and Worse"
In "London to the Cotswolds" [358282/29889/14]
Posted by Mark A at 17:09, 13th February 2025
This made me think of one aunt in particular, and of the nailed-up timetabled train from Paddington in that direction - loco and coaches at 16:45, which used to depart rather serenely, just in advance of most of the evening rush.

Checking Realtimetrains and yes it still runs, at 16:48, a five carriage IEP to Malvern, backed up by a 10 carriage set 40 minutes later.


Re: Portishead Line reopening for passengers - ongoing discussion
In "Campaigns for new and improved services" [358281/231/28]
Posted by TonyK at 15:48, 13th February 2025
Already liked by Chris from Nailsea
A slack day at the letters desk at the North Somerset Times then. Some will just never admit that they have lost the argument, do they? I doubt that any of his protests or submissions were taken at all seriously, but he really needs to concentrate on the day job. That circus needs its clown fully focused.

Re: Portishead Line reopening for passengers - ongoing discussion
In "Campaigns for new and improved services" [358280/231/28]
Posted by Red Squirrel at 15:15, 13th February 2025
Already liked by Chris from Nailsea, TonyK, Andy, johnneyw
Yes, the content of Barry Cash’s letter is quite similar to his response to the DCO. I’ve tried to establish how big the membership of his Portishead Busway Campaign is, but as far as I can tell it’s just Barry.

I believe he lives in Bishopston, Bristol. So why he has devoted so much time and effort to try and deny Portishead it’s railway defeats me.

He recently had a letter published in a local freebie maligning the new station at Ashley Down (which is at least somewhere near where he lives!) so we can expect more of the same from him as MetroWest develops. For editors, he’s an easy go-to guy for the anti-rail angle.

Re: Fines handed out
In "The Wider Picture in the United Kingdom" [358279/26002/51]
Posted by TaplowGreen at 13:39, 13th February 2025
Already liked by Chris from Nailsea
Criminal court fines are not enforced through the County Courts. Enforcement of these is by threat of. or actual, imprisonment. If no attempt is made to pay an arrest warrant is issued, thus ensuring attendance at court

Unfortunately the rail industry managed to make a balls of that too......

Re: Fines handed out
In "The Wider Picture in the United Kingdom" [358278/26002/51]
Posted by rogerw at 11:56, 13th February 2025
Criminal court fines are not enforced through the County Courts. Enforcement of these is by threat of. or actual, imprisonment. If no attempt is made to pay an arrest warrant is issued, thus ensuring attendance at court

Re: Fines handed out
In "The Wider Picture in the United Kingdom" [358277/26002/51]
Posted by TaplowGreen at 11:45, 13th February 2025
Agreed - but it will still show up on their credit reference, surely? 

Some people are in such a financial mess with debts, arrears, fines, CCJs etc especially in the current climate that another one makes little difference, it's just added to the pile.

Their credit rating is amongst the least of their worries in this context.

Re: Portishead Line reopening for passengers - ongoing discussion
In "Campaigns for new and improved services" [358276/231/28]
Posted by chuffed at 11:43, 13th February 2025
Already liked by rogerw, johnneyw
Mr Cash has never obviously travelled on the Translohr rubber tyred system of Clermont Ferrand. Not for the faint hearted or those of tender derrieres. I think that letter represents the last gasps of a dying enterprise.

Re: Portishead Line Re-Opening confirmed ?
In "Campaigns for new and improved services" [358275/231/28]
Posted by johnneyw at 10:52, 13th February 2025
Hopefully this is the final nail in the coffin for the
rubber matted  Guided Bus Barry Cashway idea.....

I wouldn't be so sure of that.......

Re: "Old Worse and Worse"
In "London to the Cotswolds" [358274/29889/14]
Posted by Richard Fairhurst at 10:32, 13th February 2025
Already liked by Witham Bobby
It feels that the main issue right now is the late afternoon/evening peak. The morning and daytime services seem to be largely ok (at this end of the line, anyway).

Re: Incident at Trowbridge station
In "Portsmouth to Cardiff" [358273/29891/20]
Posted by Mark A at 09:20, 13th February 2025
Sorry the day started like that, hope it hasn't cost you an arm and a leg.


Re: Incident at Trowbridge station
In "Portsmouth to Cardiff" [358272/29891/20]
Posted by grahame at 09:02, 13th February 2025
Surprised they didn't offer ticket acceptance on the London Waterloo service.   A slower train but would have cut your wait at Westbury and got you nearer the venue.

They sorta-did - they said I could use SWR services. Then in the same breath (I assume they breath in call centres) said my ticket would only be accepted if I dropped back to the next train on the same route, and I could not take the 07:21 and travel via Swindon - which (had the 07:21) been on time) would have put me in London 20 minutes down and not nearly 60!

I *had* considered going into Waterloo in the first place but chose to gain the extra few minutes earlier arrival (ha, ha) by going the more expensive way.

Re: Incident at Trowbridge station
In "Portsmouth to Cardiff" [358271/29891/20]
Posted by bobm at 08:49, 13th February 2025
Surprised they didn't offer ticket acceptance on the London Waterloo service.   A slower train but would have cut your wait at Westbury and got you nearer the venue.

Re: Portishead Line reopening for passengers - ongoing discussion
In "Campaigns for new and improved services" [358270/231/28]
Posted by Red Squirrel at 08:30, 13th February 2025
Already liked by Western Pathfinder, chuffed
The location proposed in 2014 for Ashton Gate Station is about 500m closer to Parson St Jct that the old site, just south of Barons Close. All the details are here:

Re: Incident at Trowbridge station
In "Portsmouth to Cardiff" [358269/29891/20]
Posted by grahame at 08:09, 13th February 2025
Already liked by Witham Bobby, froome, rogerw
From home at 6 a.m. for the 06:32 train ... and only just on my way from Westbury now at 08:00 towards London. That's an hour late and I will probably walk in during the Peter Hendy keynote.  Information sources poor along the way ...  good illustration of how poorly the customer is informed, even if the operational recovery of services was probably done as well as might be expected.

Re: Incident at Trowbridge station
In "Portsmouth to Cardiff" [358268/29891/20]
Posted by grahame at 07:24, 13th February 2025
Cancellations to services between Westbury and Chippenham via Melksham
Following the police dealing with an incident at Trowbridge all lines are now open. Disruption is expected until 07:30 13/02.
Train services between Westbury and Chippenham via Melksham may be cancelled.
Customer Advice
Due to ammunition being discovered near the railway in Trowbridge, no trains can run until the police say it is safe to do so.

Just pulling in to Trowbridge on the 06:32 from Melksham - it's now 07:22.   Missing the 07:00 connection at Westbury to London for the Rail Innovation Conference and exhibition.  Information was lacking (!!) at Melksham and not even a train manager coming through to check tickets and help people.

Re: Incident at Trowbridge station
In "Portsmouth to Cardiff" [358267/29891/20]
Posted by GBM at 07:21, 13th February 2025
Cancellations to services between Westbury and Chippenham via Melksham
Following the police dealing with an incident at Trowbridge all lines are now open. Disruption is expected until 07:30 13/02.
Train services between Westbury and Chippenham via Melksham may be cancelled.
Customer Advice
Due to ammunition being discovered near the railway in Trowbridge, no trains can run until the police say it is safe to do so.

Re: Elizabeth line train speeding 20mph over limit left passengers shaken
In "London to Reading" [358266/29828/7]
Posted by GBM at 07:19, 13th February 2025
Already liked by onthecushions, Chris from Nailsea

As far as bus crews' route knowledge is concerned, I remember several times on the return bus from Bracknell, the (Alder/Thames Valley) conductor turning to us passengers and asking, "anyone know the way back to Reading?".


Yes, one of my early runs involved a bit of a route I'd never done, so did a shout out to passengers.
The lady's husband had been a driver on that route years ago.
Back for a meal break, and discussed this, only to be told the way I went was old "We don't use that nowadays as our now larger vehicles get stuck on the sharp bend".  Oops.
No, I didn't get stuck, just another tight turn for me.........

Incident at Trowbridge station
In "Portsmouth to Cardiff" [358265/29891/20]
Posted by infoman at 07:07, 13th February 2025
being reported by Radio Bristol at 07:00am,knock on effect causing issues at Bath and Chippenham stations

Anyone listening to BBC Wiltshire?

Re: first time I have seen RPI's actually on the tube trains
In "Transport for London" [358264/28122/46]
Posted by infoman at 06:38, 13th February 2025
I recall being on one of the trains in the Berlin area,

and two mean looking guys, one boarded at one end of the coach and one got in the other end of the coach

and then demanding to see passengers tickets after showing their I.D. 

They managed to find two who were not in possession of the correct tickets,

the two guys got the two passengers off the train and started interviewing them on the platform

Re: English Regional Transport Association (ERTA) - now BRTA
In "Who's who on Western railways" [358263/22385/2]
Posted by grahame at 05:14, 13th February 2025
Dear All,

The British Regional Transport Association(BRTA) will be holding another Westbury Forum soon which will be at the Railway Inn, Station Road, Westbury BA13 4HW, which was the same place as we had before.

An Agenda will be sent as soon it is available.

Yours faithfully,

Simon Barber - Administrator
British Regional Transport Association

I will add to diary when I have something more specific than "soon".

Received overnight

The date will be Saturday,10 May for 1pm lunch and 2-4pm business.

Re: Portishead Line reopening for passengers - ongoing discussion
In "Campaigns for new and improved services" [358262/231/28]
Posted by JayMac at 23:46, 12th February 2025
Western Super Mayor (thank you JayMac)

You're welcome! Although I don't remember if I came up with that sobriquet or read it somewhere.

Re: Thames Valley infrastructure problems causing disruption elsewhere - 2025
In "Across the West" [358261/29650/26]
Posted by NickB at 22:30, 12th February 2025
Ah Southall was it?!
2hrs to get home to Maidenhead tonight via Elizabeth Line tonight including getting retrained at Slough so that the empty train could arrive at Reading faster.

Interesting to see how the timetabling and track priorities shift over the evening. During rush hour the Didcot services were running fine and the Elizabeth Line trains ran slow with 40min delays. Now, at the end of the day, Didcots are cancelled and tfl is running ok(ish)

Re: Portishead Line reopening for passengers - ongoing discussion
In "Campaigns for new and improved services" [358260/231/28]
Posted by TonyK at 22:06, 12th February 2025
Already liked by chuffed, Witham Bobby
Reopening confirmed again!

The Railway Gazette is reporting....

Regional mayor claims victory in Portishead railway reopening funding fight

UK: West Of England Mayor Dan Norris has announced a ‘landmark’ agreement with the government which paves the way for construction works needed to restart passenger services on the Bristol to Portishead line to begin this summer to enable operation by the end of 2027.

Mayor Dan was very quick off the mark, but is it really a victory for him? The real victory will come with the first train. Dan will not be the Western Super Mayor (thank you JayMac) by then, so is getting his claim to a part of history in quickly.

There are still potential stumbling blocks, but plenty of reasons to believe it will really happen this time. Not least is having the political ducks in a row, with WECA and the national government being of the same party. That national government will need all the good news it can present come the next local elections, and this fits the bill. Others will claim some of the credit, as all have a hand on the controls at one time or another - this has been going on for so long that even the Whigs may have been involved - but if Dan and the current powers that be get this line over the line, I would think they can claim most of it. The previous administration did rather drag its heels and go back to square one a couple of times, entirely without need. A lot of the preparation has been done already, granted, but always without giving the final nod. I expect to see former Mayor Dan on the first service with whoever the transport secretary is by then. Whoever is wearing the WECO hat by then will have only a supporting role on the podium.

To be fair, johnneyw, you may well be right on that.

My rather fond recollections of the whole Portishead reopening campaign possibly suggested to me that the reopening of Ashton Gate station was included in that.

And it could be: the platform is still there - it just needs a bit of vegetation clearance. 

The platform was still there in 2012, and I can't think of anything that has happened since that would have caused it to be ripped up. There's two as it happens, either side of what was once double track here.

I may be wrong, but I don't think this is the site envisioned by WECA for the reopened station.  Land has been set aside by the Ashton Rise development, adjacent to the car park side end of the MetroBust skew bridge. This Bristol Post article is unusually helpful in describing the location, with a bonus photo of the station in use in the Olden Days.

Re: Thames Valley infrastructure problems causing disruption elsewhere - 2025
In "Across the West" [358259/29650/26]
Posted by TaplowGreen at 21:44, 12th February 2025
Delays due to defective track. Non-specific location.

Specifically Southall!

Cancellations to services between London Paddington and Newbury via Reading

Due to a broken rail at Southall fewer trains are able to run on some lines. Disruption is expected until the end of the day.

Train services between London Paddington and Newbury via Reading may be cancelled.

Customer Advice
Due to a broken track in the Southhall area, only a limited number of trains are able to run on this line. As a result, some train services may be cancelled or delayed

.....also affecting Didcot services.

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