Good luck with the journey home Graham.
Thank you. Home. 10:23 from Portsmouth Harbour - to Bath Spa in the end and then the Faresaver bus to our home stop - here at around 14:20.
Would have been 90 minutes earlier
- if we were both fit enough to walk from the local (Melksham) station
- if our lift from the Station had been available (like what it Woz last night),
- if the town bus in Melksham served the station
or 50 minutes earlier
- if we hadn't had to queue for the lift at Bath Spa Station and just missed the earlier bus (which, mind you, broke down on the way and we picked up the passengers off it!)
Ooops - reads like a grumble, but is isn't in any way. It's a reminder of the value of a plan B, and a plan C and a plan D - know what the options and fallbacks are and be accepting when you have to drop back down the alphabet.
Our cruise ferry had to wait outside Portsmouth Harbour last night as we drew near due to a banana freighter having trouble manooeving in the harbour - so a late arrival of both ourselves and another ferry ensued, and also left the ferry company needing the foot passenger bus in two places at the same time. Again, we were laid back ... unlike the other foot passenger who was - err - panicked about her connection to the IoW; not going into the details but I'm sure she got home even if she had to drop back one crossing or (horror) catch a b-u-s on the island. Attitude of mind!
Further trip reports to follow in "Frequent Posters"; this trip was something of a try out for us personally.