Intention achieved. Last minute check on Met, E wind, meant that I did it in "reverse formation" so to speak, Havant to Fareham. Weather fine and dry, managed to dodge the showers. Going firm to hard. Tide high. Showed Langstone Harbour almost at its best, despite growing up on Hayling and appreciating the finer points of mud
Only one other person on the Hayling Ferry, so they could do with a bit of support, both Havant and Portsmouth are on PlusBus although no bus goes to the ferry either end. Try and walk (or cycle) the Hayling Billy line. Portsmouth preparing for the 75th anniversary of D-Day, early June when there is a big visitor might not be the best time to go.
On the Gosport side went down to Stokes Bay, and then followed the line of the old branch to to Stokes Bay. Anglesey Terrace looked stunning in the sunshine No progress has been made on extending the Fareham - Gosport busway.
I have done that ride myself, though it was about 15 years ago, and remember there being a particularly good mobile coffee van at Stokes Bay, parked in the car park. Is it still there?
I don't think Hayling Island has ever been linked by ferry on its eastern side, which I find odd, though I assume the tides and distances there have never allowed for an easy crossing.
Have you used the West Itchenor to Bosham ferry? Sadly it wasn't running when I cycled down that way, but I believe it goes under the wonderful name of Itchy Bosom!