Maybe not so far off the mark. The grass is always greener over the channel.
Having used various rail/metro networks around Europe this past year I'm inclined to agree. I think where other countries gain over the
UK▸ is on the cost, our rail fares are at times very expensive compared to rail services in Europe.
In general, I feel that more effort is made with trains and stations here than on the continent, particularly regional and local services. Whilst both stations and trains might be smaller and more crowded, both tend to have a much better ambiance, trains are more comfortably furnished, cleaner, both are more or less graffiti free and there is generally at least an attempt to give the customer a better experience.
In general, on the continent I find that things are generally far more spartan and functional. Even major stations are often little more than windswept over/underpasses, dirty, graffiti strewn and feel very insecure, with little in the way of retail or food offerings other than burgers. Trains, whilst being spacious are often grubby, tired and cold. Yes, it generally works in a functional sort of way, but more from force of routine and the system not being overloaded I suspect.
As for fares, I think it depends where you are, Belgium was certainly cheap, Switzerland definitely not.