All services cancelled and no bus / coach / taxi alternatives. And the reason why the train went through a red light at Paddington was .... ?? At least it didn't catch fire. Hmm - shades of Thames Trains maybe.
So instead of the brakes being applied the damn thing was derailed bringing down all of the power lines and closing all services for the rest of the day - right in the middle of the rush-hour, and the disruption will likely extend to all of tomorrow morning.
Apparently even the Circle Line and H&C were stopped from running between Paddington and Hammersmith.
GWR▸ staff on the Concourse did a fine job at Paddington dealing with thousands of pi$$ed off commuters etc. Many were told to go to Ealing Broadway where - they were informed - trains would be running to / from the West. BUT ... at Ealing Broadway there were NO trains and pax were told to go to Waterloo instead. Er - right hand and left hand etc.?
No alternative buses or taxis appear to have been arranged - even for those needing to catch flights at Heathrow. The HConn and Hex of course couldn't run since the power lines were down.
And as we all know the Bakerloo Line wasn't stopping at Paddington; and the road works in Praed Street ensure that buses are not stopping at Paddington either. Indeed the bus drivers (23, 27, 205, etc.) appear to be all refusing to stop anywhere near Paddington Station and are running non-stop between the Edgware Road end of Sussex Gardens and the far end of Eastbourne Terrace - a distance of over a mile.
So all in all one huge chaos from right hands and left hands not knowing what the h*ll was going on - Network Rail, GWR, Heathrow - Hex, T4L - buses, all clearly demonstrating utter incompetence at dealing with the situation. All par for the course.
And all due to a
SPAD▸ and a weird arrangement to derail a train directly into the overhead line gantries rather than simply apply the brakes.
More and pics here: CJB
P.S. The last major outage at Paddington was when a steam special left platform 1 and headed off for a day out West. Meanwhile Network Rail - more likely their incompetent contractors - were digging around and laying new track and ballast underneath one of the major road bridges across the entrance to Paddington Station. In so doing they raised the profile of the track. So when said steam train returned the chimney and boiler of the engine hit the underside of the bridge nearly causing a catastrophic boiler explosion. Luckily the driver brought the whole shebang to a halt, but all services into and out of Paddington were cancelled just in case.