These may seem like daft questions but with so much now appearing at the trackside I hope some of the experts here will be able to answer them.
1) There are four tall posts either side of the tracks just west of the old line into Didcot A Power Station. Are they part of the neutral section or is that nearer to Foxhall Junction?
The feeds to the
OLE▸ and ATF go on "across track" span wires from the OLE lineside switches to "drapes" that connect to the OLE there are insulators segregate it all. These are place well above the OLE to allow for a cross track span wire being alive when part of the OLE below it is isolated & earthed to work on
2) Maybe these masts that will eventually supply power from Didcot ATFS to the OLE west of Didcot as far as Wootton Bassett Junction? There is a cable trough back to the Didcot ATFS, and another one to a similar set of posts near Didcot North Junction for the Oxford lines.
To allow for parts of the Didcot triangle to be isolated yet maintain a feed north to Oxford cables are run at ground level, in
BR▸ days "bare feeders" were used on the side of the OLE structures however this causes problems in "emergency" isolations because the bare feeders have to be switch off as well.
3) Does this mean Didcot ATFS provides a power source for three sections - 1) Maidenhead MPATS▸ to Milton, 2) Milton to Wootton Bassett and 3) Didcot to Oxford?
Yes that's the plan
It would be possible to feed Oxford from Wooton Basset in the event of a total loss at Didcot, however this would be second emergency feeding and would impose major timetable restrictions
4) Am I right in thinking there are only neutral sections where the source of power changes from one ASTF to another?
There are Neutral sections ate MPATS eg Maidenhead and ATFS eg Didcot. When Bramley is built there will be Neutral sections at Reading
The neutral sections are needed for two reasons, 1) often the supply to the Grid transformers are taken from different phase pairs to allow for some balancing of the loading across the Grid, 2) to prevent power flow between Grid sites via the Railway OLE system.
5) Does anyone have a drawing showing the general arrangement of a GWEP▸ neutral section?
The GWEP neutral sections are what are called carrier wire neutral sections, basically 3 over lap section of OLE, a floating section , an earthed section, a floating section. The pan transitions form the live wire to
the floating section, then the earthed section to the floating section and onto the live section.
There were trials done to see if the earthed section could be done away with, not sure of the results of this. The carrier wire neutral section does have by pass switches in the event a train gets stranded in a floating or earthed section
6) Finally, with an ATF system, does +25Kv phase flow through the OLE and -25Kv phase flow through the ATF cable and they come together at an ATS▸ , get boosted, and then repeat that to the next ATS and so on? [/list]
The + 25kV and - 25kV terms were used in the early days of the
WCML▸ conversion to AT to make it easy to explain to the lay railway(wo)man. The system is 25 - 0 - 25kV the train only ever see 25kV but the power is distributed at 50kV there by reducing the I
2R losses