number is 0121 200 6450. Free for most people (e.g. BT) in the evening or at the weekend.
NEVER phone a premium line without consulting this website - often a free 0800 number alternative is listed!
Thanks for that - I will be phoning when they open in the morning to make a complaint.
I work in IT, I know my mac, but it still took me over 1.5 hours (and half a ream of paper) to get the bloody ticket
I'm going to ask them advice on how to get the return ticket printed without wasting the other half ream.
The print registers as only 1 page but in reality was over 150 (I know this because my tray holds 150 and it ran out even though was fully stocked) - so you don't even get the choice of page 1 to 1 and because the machine thinks its printing the one page you cant stop it!