The line from Stourbridge Junction to Stourbridge Town is unique on a number of points:
- the only line using Class 139 Railcars anywhere
- the shortest branch line in the country, at 0.8 miles, and possibly Europe
- the country's only VLR (Very Light Rail) line
- and until recently, some of the oldest sleepers on a working line anywhere.
That last has just been amended, with the first total upgrade of the track since 1902. There is a time-lapse video, with slightly annoying subtitles but still worth a look
here on YouTube. There is also an article in
Rail Business Daily:
Upgrading Britain’s Shortest Branch LineBy Danny Longhorn
May 4, 2021

At just over ¾ of a mile long, the Stourbridge Branch Line is the shortest in the
UK▸ .
It’s home to the Stourbridge Shuttle – a charming little operation that runs frequent passenger services between the local Town and the Junction railway station.
Operated by Pre Metro on behalf of West Midlands Railway, the service uses two Class 139 railcars that are currently found nowhere else in the world.
Pre-COVID, the service was carrying 650,000 passengers every year!
As the UK’s only currently operating Very Light Rail (VLR) system, the Shuttle presents itself as a low-cost, eco-friendly alternative to standard rail operations.
at source)
The video doesn't seem to show a lot of difference in track standard between heavy rail and VLR, but I still think that this model could be useful in a lot of places where connections between a mainline station and a remote town centre would have a positive impact on public transport usage.