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Reading as a guest? Please join as a member - look at the benefits
As at 31st March 2025 22:38 BST
31.3.2025 - All running AOK
Re: Posting as a guest? Please join as a member - look at the benefits
Posted by grahame at 14:17, 14th May 2020
* You will be able to see all the pictures in posts

Ah - is that attachments?

That's right, isn't it? If not logged on you only see external images linked to.

Yes - I have just checked that, and you're right.   I spend so much of my time logged in - I'm rarely a guest at my own party and I had missed that.  In putting this thread together, it's done me real good to look around when incognito.

Re: Posting as a guest? Please join as a member - look at the benefits
Posted by stuving at 18:22, 13th May 2020
* You will be able to see all the pictures in posts

Ah - is that attachments?

That's right, isn't it? If not logged on you only see external images linked to.

Re: Posting as a guest? Please join as a member - look at the benefits
Posted by grahame at 17:59, 13th May 2020
* You will be able to see all the pictures in posts

Ah - is that attachments?

Re: Reading as a guest? Please join as a member - look at the benefits
Posted by grahame at 17:58, 13th May 2020
Grahame, did you mean your subject heading to be "Reading as a guest"? I don't think one can post unless one is a member?

Yes, I did!   Thanks for that - I have just changed it from the impossible (I hope we have the security right) "posting as a guest"

Re: Posting as a guest? Please join as a member - look at the benefits
Posted by stuving at 17:10, 13th May 2020
* You will be able to see all the pictures in posts

Re: Posting as a guest? Please join as a member - look at the benefits
Posted by Marlburian at 16:51, 13th May 2020
Grahame, did you mean your subject heading to be "Reading as a guest"? I don't think one can post unless one is a member?

Reading as a guest? Please join as a member - look at the benefits
Posted by grahame at 12:58, 13th May 2020
If you are reading as a guest ... please consider joining as a member.   It's free!  Once you have registered with the Coffee Shop and your registration has been approved, you can log in.  Within the registration, you're asked to agree to our terms of access (see )  which are designed to keep the coffee shop legal, decent, honest, friendly and on topic.

When logged in as a new member ...
* The forum will keep track of the posts you have (and haven't) read so that you can navigate to new stuff much more easily
* The main "Read about the Forum" link and menu will be replaced by a "Recent Posts" link to take you direct to the latest new content
* You will be able to read the "Member Services" board including links to our "Tuesday Club" zoom meetings which you will be able to join
* You will be able to post a reply onto almost any existing thread you can read (just a few are locked for clarify)
* You will be able to start a new thread on almost all of the boards ("Meet the Manager" and "Member Services" are reply only)
* You will have access to the personal message system which allows you to write messages to other members and lets them message you
* You will be able to add to the forum calendar
* You will be able to take part in polls
* You will be able to turn off the "Chat" icon should you wish, and expand / contract forum categories
* You will be able to notify the moderator team if you feel the contents of a post should be brought to their attention
* You will be able to email a thread, with a comment, from our system (equivalent of a share)
* You will be able to (and are encouraged to) update your profile and provide an avatar

You'll find guidance about posting on help pages and more specific data in our Member Services area once you're logged in as a member, and you'll find our moderator team and other established members happy to help you as you find your feet.

Once you have posted a few times, you'll find that other areas open up to you - "Frequent Posters", "Rumour Mill" and "And Also" for things shared between friends or not yet confirmed. And there's also an area for "Transport Scholars" where things can get pretty technical, and where we talk about delicate / emotive subjects in an informed and dispassionate way.  Transport Scholars is available on application.  These additional areas contain just a small proportion of the Coffee Shop posts, though, so please don't expect an explosion of new data as you reach them.

Please join us now - Register via this link: ((here))

The Coffee Shop forum is provided by customers of Great Western Railway (formerly First Great Western). The views expressed are those of the individual posters concerned. Visit for the official Great Western Railway website. Please contact the administrators of this site at if you feel that the content provided by one of our posters contravenes our posting rules. Our full legal statment is at

Although we are planning ahead, we don't know what the future will bring here in the Coffee Shop. We have domains "" for w-a-y back and also ""; we can also answer to "" too. For the future, information about Great Brisish Railways, by customers and for customers.
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Code Updated 11th January 2025