No, there are only 3
Official Apple Stores in Spain - as in these places:'m sure there are other stores in Spain that are capable or replacing an iPhone screen, but my insurance company insisted that I have the job done at an official Apple Store, of which in Spain there are only 3! 2 in Madrid and 1 in Barcelona! They however, didn't insist on which Country I got the repair done, and with over a week left of my holiday and needing to be able to fully use my iPhone, as I said in my previous post, It was worth writing off a day to get the job done.
I won't go into detail of the trouble i'm now having with the insurance company... Apparently I have to pay a ^100 excess because I have an iPhone (Blatant lie because there is absolutely no mention of this in my policy documents, nor have I received a letter detailing this new excess charge). Annoyingly if they do impose this "excess" there is no point in claiming as when I had my credit card statement through a week or so ago the replacement screen came to ^86.12!!! (99 Euros)