The thing is Corwall Transport Unit quite clearly state every child should be seated for the journey and has a seat "reserved" for them. This is an example of First breaching the rules of a tender.
Well report the circumstances to the County's Schools Transport unit then as a responsible schoolboy.
Have done many times. They put someone on the bus to monitor it so First purposely put on a bigger bus as soon as they suspect anything. As soon as the person on the bus goes so does the bigger bus.
Well keep your own tally, daily record the Registration Number of the bus and also its fleet number and when its of insufficient size to accomodate all your fellow students and yourself seated as in accordance with the Countys Transport Policy, report it.
First MUST keep a record of bus used / duty allocated / driver involved in case of complaint, speeding, etc so it shouldn't be necessary to put a checker on the bus to check your story.
A number of years ago when my mother was ill I temporarily moved in with her and used to travel back to my home on an evening once or twice a week to pick up my mail, stay overnight and travel back the next morning. The morning service punctuality was abominable and as it was a council supported service I complained. First threw their hands up and admitted the punctuality issue to the County was reality and were forced to revise the duty so the punctuality improved and it did. Needless to say when the contract came up for renewal, First upped their tender as they had been forced to divert a peak hour resource to enable the supported service to operate to time and thus priced theirselves out of the market.