I've deliberately avoided posting in this thread... But I think i'm going to bite.
As some of you know. I have Aspergers Syndrome. My partner does too and not only that, my sister does as well, but also has ADHD!
ADHD sufferers have a very high impulse gene. So in a nutshell, I seriously doubt the gentleman responsible was thinking very clearly in the suggested state. The impulsiveness of ADHD is more or less "It seemed like a good idea at the time" When in actuality, it probably isn't. You can moderate the severity of the impact with these conditions with medication, as is the case. But these things really need to be monitored very closely in order to be successful.
So whilst I agree that the way this chap dealt with things by trespassing on the railway was not a good thing and action should be taken. At the same time I can sympathise with him, as the support he clearly needed didn't appear to be there, and that I would say is also of great concern. I say this because the people supporting this chap shouldn't have allowed things to go as far as they did. With the right level of support and care, this could have all been avoided.
Having got my own Mental Health problems, I really do have an understanding of how these things can go wrong. I recall in 2004 when I had a nervous breakdown, my doctor put me on Prozac to treat the problem but then said come back in 3 months... The results within the first week lead to a similar situation that MookieMoo has posted...

Fortunately, now in 2011 I have the support I need. But it only took me more or less 6 years to get there...
I'm sorry if I have opened a big tin of worms here. But having had very similar illnesses as this chap. I feel that i'm on the inside looking out, where as everyone else is on the outside looking in. All I'm saying is to the average person, there is alot more beneath the surface than meets the eye... I'm just offering a different point of view.