1. All of the Northern stock I have travelled on that was 14x/15x vintage was a dump internally - this has nothing to do with the standard or specifications of any refurbishment. Quite simply, they were filthy with dirt ingrained more or less everywhere it could be, which gave the impression that the stock was more or less neglected when it came to any kind of cleaning or internal upkeep. The point about the 333s was that this was the only fleet of Northern's I have travelled on that looked respectable inside.
OK. I've never been on a 333 but I've seen/heard comments that the 333 interior is actually looking less good now than some of the other Northern units as it's now over 10 years old and other units have had an interior refresh.
The stock Northern inherited was overall in a very poor state. Ignoring the electric units the only decent interior they had was the FNW 150s but they had 10 x 150s from
ATW▸ and before that Valley Lines that retained the original
BR▸ interior - including the BR notices.
Initially Northern didn't do anything about the stock, which is why the 142s that went to
FGW▸ were in such a bad state. They have since given at least some of each type of unit an interior refresh. I think all the 150s have had a refresh, 142s with bus bench seats have, the former FNW 156s have, the 144s have, the 321s have and the 323s are in the process of having one currently. I'm not sure on the 158 situation as they no longer operate in the North West.
3. From comments further up this thread, I had gained the impression that FGW's 142 fleet was significantly more reliable than Northern's 142 fleet. I don't know if this is strictly correct in terms of mpc, but what it for certain is that FGW's 142s have not shed any cardan shafts or engines* recently like Northern's have.
You don't have to refer to a specific carden shaft incident as there's been 3 of them and the most serious of which (which happened in Durham) is currently with the
My points above are solely a like-for-like comparison of FGW and Northern's sprinter/pacer fleets. Nothing whatsoever to do with the reliability of 150s vice 142s, not really sure where you picked that one up from.
The points about reliability seem to be made by either me or you. I made the point about Northern's 142 being less reliable than their 150s and you came back with the response that the FGW 142s are more reliable. You've also stated that you think FGW maintain their units better. Therefore, we really need to know how the reliability of FGW 142s compares to their other units for the full picture.