Passengers have been deserting Virgin and LM▸ in their droves. Passengers on Chiltern Mainline are up 53% - a jaw dropping figure in the current economic climate.
Nicely done quoting a figure like that without context. The 53% refers to Solihull station only. The only source of that figure I can find is from a blog post (see below). Even then that is way more than the increase in official station usage figures. The latest figures released in February 2012 for the year to April 2011 show that Solihull's footfall was 1,535,210. Up from the previous year's figure of 1,487,994. An increase of 6.99%. Now of course passengers using Chiltern at Solihull could have increased by 53% and that could be over a different time period than station usage statistics, but without a source it's difficult to take Btline's figure seriously. Particularly when he states that the 53% refers to Chiltern Mainline.
Some services are now so packed that Anytime fares will have to increase by ^10 later this year to prevent sardine conditions, albeit a modest increase compared to Virgin's sky high prices and draconian restrictions.
That really is badly out of context. How can you compare Chiltern's Anytime fare with Virgin's 'sky high prices and draconian restrictions'? The correct comparison is with Virgin's Anytime fare which has
no restrictions, draconian or otherwise.

I'll slightly concede the point about 'sky high' though. ^154 (Virgin Anytime Return) is a bit steep compared to ^95 (Chiltern Anytime Return). BUT if you're comparing price
only then London Midland comes out on top with an Anytime Return of ^65.
Do note also that Chiltern's Anytime Return has gone through two price increases since September 2011. From May 20th it will have increased ^20 from ^75 to ^95. That's a 26.7% increase in just 8 months, and you call it modest Btline? Over the same period Virgin's Anytime return will have increased by 3.6% and London Midland's by 0%.
Fares information from previous, current and the next National Fares Manuals)
What was your source please?
Btline's source appears to be a blog post here: There's very little information as to who the writer of the blog is.
Btline appears to have lifted text, rewritten bits of it and hasn't attributed the source. Fine if Btline wrote the blog post himself, borderline plagiarism if he didn't.

I can find no direct information from Chiltern Railways regarding the list of improvements Btline lifted from the blog post so until such time as Chiltern explicitly state all these improvements are coming it would, I believe, be merely conjecture.
I suspect a bastardised press release / briefing.
Although as always with BTLine, slightly exaggerated.....(e.g. headline % only at one station, not in total)
Slightly exaggerated? You are too kind ChrisB.