You've explained how it works? Sorry, did I miss that? What do I need to do with my smart card when splitting at Didcot Parkway on a day trip with walk up tickets to London from Bristol?
You buy the tickets.
You touch in at the barriers at Bristol to load the tickets.
You touch out at Paddington to get through the barriers.
If you're ticket checked, you touch your card on the reader. As ticket(s) is/are valid, there is a green light and the guard walks on.
Somebody shoot me. (cue: proably a lot of offers...

Anyone got a gun?

And if I break my journey en route? Sorry but I don't see how, in my one example, all the route/
BoJ▸ /overnight stays can be programmed into a nationwide smart card system.
The current system struggles to take account of all the permutations because it is just too complex. A system that requires massive computational power as it is - 'The Manual',
LENNON▸ , National Routeing Guide, National Rail Timetable, RailSail, PlusBus, GroupSave, Rovers/Rangers, Railcards, Peak/Off Peak/Super Off Peak, Seasons.....
I really would love to meet the programmer(s) who could reconcile all that into one accurate smart card system.
Yes, it's often said that with enough monkeys and enough typewriters they could produce the complete works of Shakespeare, but you are looking at decades worth of incomprehensible gobbledygook before they get there..... and it would be bloody expensive.
Oh, if it were as easy as scaling up
Oyster▸ .....