Assuming the smart card has a defined journey loaded, there are still going to be passengers who have loaded an offpeak and try to travel on a peak service etc, people with reserved seats or reserved trains who try and use the wrong train, or attempt to travel off the route they actually bought. Let's face it even when they have printed coupons to hand with the instructions on plenty of people try it on - and they aren't going to be able to read their own smartcard away from a TVM▸ - a smartcard could make this sort of problem more likely?
That's why I said you need to touch out as well, so if you travel outwith your ticket you can be charged a
PF▸ . That could be mailed to your registered address, and smartcard inactivated by readers if you fail to pay. You get a print out when you purchase at a ticket office/ you know what your restrictions are.
If you want the ease, you have to accept that your own responsibility is to rise. Ditto on phone tickets - your responsibilities to keep it charged will be more than just keeping a ticket on your person.
I don't quite see why you would have to 'tap out' though, if you didn't you would be in no different a position to someone with a paper ticket who got off at an ungated station and kept his ticket.
Beause its easier to defraud? And for smartcards to work properly, all stations would need gating, except for possibly the ery smallest. If there were ungated stations on the underground,
Oyster▸ wouldn't work either.
I've heard that one of the criticisms of SWT▸ 's ITSO smart card is that they want season ticket holders to touch in and out on each and every journey - but there is no comparable requirement for passengers with paper tickets to do the same.
Probably because its easier to have everyone touch out, rather than some do & some don't, which could in itself lead to claims of confusion when fraud is taking place?
If a smartcard requires more passenger action than a paper version - what's the real attraction?
It's really not difficult to touch out every journey if the readers are situated in sensible places where you have to pass on exiting the station. Proves you've remembered it. Challenges fraud. If everyone was honest, it wouldn't be necesary. So those willing to jump their fares make it worse for everyone, that's life, unfortunately...