There is also no evidence that he was atually 'reading' the paper.....
This is the problem with the "spotter police" they take a 1 second snap of a 12hour day and then cant wait to sell it if there is even the slightest hint that something is not right (even if they need to fib a bit to do this)
There are loads of reasons that could explain the picture:
The train is stood at a red
Folding the paper to swat a fly or wasp
Folding paper to plug a draughty window or door (the tunnel would have amplified this noise)
Folding paper to make a sunshade
Picking up a paper that had blown off the desk due to the suction of the tunnel or the harsh airflow that the
HST▸ power car A/Cs put out.
The cash hungry spotter fakes it completely........
In realty, not one of them are unsafe if the driver knows the road well. Drivers will regularly check their diagrams on the move to see if they are on time & scheduled to stop at the next station.
So on the face of it this is more than likely nothing unsafe or worth bleeting about, but since a snapper has snapped it they must get their blood money so they sell it to a tabloid and let the tabloid make up whatever headline they want
....and people wonder why staff are often hostile towards spotters?