Have you noticed how many people pay using cards, even for very small amounts? The number commuting in from Nailsea who pay ^3.50 every day by card is significant, with the result that the train manager is rarely able to get through the train ...
Ah ... that'll be me, then!
Fair comment, John: I always used to pay by cash, even trying whenever possible to have the correct change, when we had our excellent station manager in the good old days of Nailsea being a manned station. However, when he was replaced by the machines, I found they were so particular about what coins they would accept that I resorted to using my card - and similarly used a card when the ticket machine was too soggy to work and I had to buy my ticket on the train, or at
BTM▸ .
However, in view of the various comments in this thread, I will mend my ways, and resume paying with cash from now on!
Vacman - thanks for your comments, from someone on the other end of such transactions! I must say, I thought it would be easier for train crew to deal with cashless transactions (no bulky coins to carry/count up, for example), but apparently not. I'm happy to resume cash transactions, if that helps!