thats probably the reason no one has taken up the off lease 153s at Eastleigh
Yes I seem to remember seeing somewhere that the four that went off lease were four in the worst condition but I also recall the feeling that it was better to have them back in the state that they were in rather than have short formed trains or in the case of Transwilts just two trains a day.
Don't tell me that they are still down at Eastleigh?
? I thought they were heading over to East Anglia to work with ONE. If they are still off lease then
FGW▸ should jolly well rehire them to boost capacity.
Are any 158s still down there? I remember earlier in the year seeing a long rake of 158s passing my office window in Central, Wessex and W&B liveries heading north for Northern Trains so assume that they were all that were stored at Eastleigh.
There are currently no Class 158 units in store at Eastleigh , but there are 4 Class 153 units , these are as follows :
According to Andrew Griffiths , FGW's Regional Manager for the Severn/Solent area , these will be heading for the East Midlands Franchise.
FGW were going to release a further Class 153 unit (the one that currently works Southampton - Westbury shuttle services which will be partially covered by
SWT▸ from December) in December 2007 , but , according to Andrew , this unit will now be retained.
Firstly , it will act as cover while "west fleet" refurbishment takes place , and later on it will form extra Falmouth line services (subject to approval) , once the Penryn loop has been completed.