Gosh, MikeB, I hate to have to come in here too ... especially to say "oy" to a newly joined member. However ...
People have come along, Mike, and answered your original question / post. They did so in good faith, but now feel that by changing your original post you have made their comments look rather silly. I rather suspect that's not something you had realised might happen - it's a side effect that we all miss from time to time, so don't worry too much about it on this occasion.
For the record, here is a copy of the original text you posted, added so that anyone who comes back in the future will be able to read the thread and work it out in spite of the changes.
As a general note for all, I retrieved this text from backups - an action even beyond "admin" powers and the first time I have ever done it in 88,000 posts!Network Rail recently installed a mast next to our home and now I am seriously ill when at home and fine as soon as I am away from here.
My doctor has proved that it has been caused by the electromagnetic pulse given off by these base stations!!!
Network Rail now admits that some people can become seriously ill if they live close to these masts.
Visit my website for my story and let me know if you have suffered any effects from any base stations and masts.
If you wish to go back to your original post and edit it yet again - but this time explain what you're changing and why so that it doesn't make some of the following elements look out-of-context / silly / stupid, that would be much appreciated. And Chris and I can then tidy up our posts as appropriate.
P.S. You appear to have deleted "Network Rail now admits that some people can become seriously ill if they live close to these masts." from your original
Edited to add the P.S. ... and to show you how an edit is acceptable with an explanation