Ah, you've picked one of the diverted services that doesn't offer up a split ticket opportunity at Westbury as it doesn't call. Ho hum! Now if you said the 1153.....
If you wish to take the 1353 then the only valid fares will be to split at Reading. Honiton - Reading SVR ^44.00 plus Reading - Worcester Stations SVR ^38.00. Total ^82.00 and the inflexibility of having to return via Reading and Basingstoke as well.
Now, if your relative CAN take the 1153 then you can split at Westbury. Honiton to Westbury ^25 SVR and Westbury to Worcester Stations (Route: Not Birmingham) SVR ^26.00. Total ^51.00 And the flexibility to return via Bristol, Westbury and Salisbury. Travelling out you are due in to Reading at 1430 and there is a service to Worcester at 1521, arriving 1714.
Alternatively, on the same split (HON-
WSB» /WSB-WOF) you can travel out at 1553 with changes at Castle Cary and Reading
HON 1553
CLC▸ 1713
CLC 1740 (Calls Westbury)
RDG‡ 1855
RDG 1907
WOF 2120
Choices are limited if you want to avoid the dreaded rail replacement bus. It may be worth enquiring of
FGW▸ whether you can use the 1353 FGW service Honiton to Reading with a Honiton to Worcester (SVR ^59.00 Any Permitted) even though it isn't a permitted route.
Oh for the days when routeing was decided on what was 'reasonable'....