I'm sorry...? You're seriously suggesting that 185s are a retrograde step compared to the old and increasingly rat-infested 158s that they replaced on TPEx? Presumably you'd prefer it if those services were still operated by lumbering old class 45s dragging steam-heated mark I stock around.
I said 185s have disadvantages over the units they replaced and the fact is they do:
1. The 3 car 185s replaced 2 and 3 car 158s on North and South
TPE▸ routes that can be overcrowded throughout the day. A 3 car 158 had more seating than a 185. The fact that they are all 3 car meanings less flexibility: when they had 158s there were 2,3,4,5,6 and 8 car workings now it's 3 or 6 on 185 routes and 2 car 170 diagrams replaced some of the old 2 car 158 diagrams.
2. The 185s are naturally less fuel efficient than 158s. This led to TPE installing a GPS system so that engines automatically cut out when on negative gradients to save money.
3. The 185s were intended to decrease journey times. However, they proved to be too heavy so had to run to lower speed limits so journey times remained the same overall - faster on some sections but slower on others.
4. More commuter style interiors which leads to numerous disadvantages for long distance travellers.
5. Also note 185s replaced Voyagers on Manchester-Scotland. If I start listing disadvantages of a 185 over a Voyager we'd be here all day.
If you look at the above posts I'm one a few people who's posted on here who hasn't slated Voyagers - I've actually said I prefer them to other stock but I accept that they don't have certain features that
HST▸ stock had e.g. buffets, which is why I later said they had disadvantages as well.
So if they were rat infested 158s do you have the numbers of rats that TPE cascaded to South West Trains and First Great Western when they sent the 158s down?