I believe that the fares system should be very substantialy simplified, with only three different fares available (in each class of travel) for any journey.
These should be known as peak, off peak, and bargain and be identified by the colours red, yellow and green on the ticket and in the timetable.
Peak would be similar to the present full fare
Off peak would be about 60% of the peak fare
Bargain would be about 30% of the peak
What is your benchmark 'Peak fare'? Is it priced according to distance, popularity of route, origin or destination being popular, type of rolling stock, or some other criteria. Also where does government (national and local) subsidy come into the equation?
If this benchmark is too high, then many leisure travellers could be priced off the railways, even at 60% or 30%.
Are these trains red, yellow and green throughout their journey or are the bands time dependent or origin/destination dependent?
If they are banded throughout their journey then that would be grossly unfair on passengers boarding at 11am at the final stop having to pay a peak fare because the trains started at its origin at 0700.
What if the bands are time dependent - for instance you have a 'peak' until 9am? Passenger A boarding at Anytown at 0855 pays a peak fare to Megacity, Passenger B boarding at Smalltown at 0905 pays only 60% of what Passenger A pays less a bit more for the slightly shorter journey. Passenger A then realises it is cheaper to drive to Smalltown (inc fuel and parking costs) and get on the train there. Clogging up local roads, and as more people get wise to this, no one uses the train between Anytown and Smalltown at this time.
If the fare bands are origin/destination dependent then you may still have folks realising it is cheaper to drive part way and then pick up their train when it has become an 'Off Peak' or 'Bargain'.
What about trains that are nominally at 'Off Peak' or 'Bargain' times but are popular for other reasons like use by shoppers on a Sunday or to holiday destinations? Do you price these at 'Peak' to discourage use?
You say there are to be NO discounts on busy rush hour services? What about cross country services that are busiest through the Midlands - are these to be Yellow or Green trains until an arbitrary point - become Red, then revert to Yellow or Green at some other point?
To contain the greed of TOCs▸ , peak fares would be restricted to no more than 25% of the timetabled services, and bargain fares would have to be offered on at least 25% of services, the remainder being being off peak.
Who decides that? Some government mandarin far removed from the operation of timetables and services, or the TOC who could easily manipulate the services they run to maximise revenue (and profit) against that 25/50/25 split? What about where the loadings throughout the day do not neatly match that 25/50/25 split? A TOC forced to stick rigidly to this ratio would soon start manipulating the timetable for
its benefit, rather than the passengers.
Likewise at present, full fare customers often have to stand.....
How would that change under your system, particularly at 'Peak' times on commuter services?
So, sorry. Too many issues to cover with such a 'simplified' system. A nightmare to introduce and probably massively un-passenger friendly as well.
I agree that we have a complex system at present and it is one that needs tidying up, but your system, broadgage, is rather too utopian. Sorry to shoot it down so comprehensively. Particularly as I can't offer anything more than to say that the current system 'needs tidying up.'