Firstly many apologies dviner for the previous rant, it wasn^t meant to be direct personal criticism, although I can appreciate with a re-reading having slept on it it does come across that way.

And thank you Paul for your timely response, which has given me a chance to review what I was a about to post probably stopping me from making even more of a fool of myself. A well-timed comment about where the route plan sits in the bigger scheme of things.
I have to admit I have yet to read all the responses to the original draft and the
RUS▸ in full, but intend to do so when I get the opportunity, I^m sure it will make interesting reading. There will undoubtedly be many other positive comments in there and as you rightly say dviner it is for others to make the priorities, formulate a plan and implement it. Following Paul^s comment I have revisited the RUS and the following sounds promising. Para 6.9.6 page 157
Network Rail has also established a joint Cardiff to Portsmouth Route Improvement Project Group with FGW▸ to focus on this service group and derive initiatives to help improve performance. The group will review possible changes to the service proposition towards Portsmouth with a view to possible journey time savings across the route as a whole.
Unfortunately I, and probably quite a few other posters, will recognise many of the gaps and options having been aspirations promoted by various stakeholders in the FGW area many times in the past, in reports too numerous to mention, (not least the Trans Wilts), and which have been largely ignored for many years, so I^m not holding my breath that DafT et al will actually do much about it.
Notwithstanding that the comment appears in the route plan my reason for ^losing the plot^ over that particular element was it singularly failed to take into account any of the history of the overcrowding problem on the route, and suggesting it is a recent problem diminishes in one fell swoop what could be a powerful statement to get off their backsides and actually do something about it. Also the plan makes specific mention of the RUS from which I assumed it had been derived. I can only hope that the Route Improvement Project Group don^t take the comment at face value if they ever need to refer to the plan.
There were clear problems on the route prior to 2003 when the RPC^s in the region decided to examine the route in some detail and their conclusions were published in April 2004, below is a small extract:
1.1 The Rail Passengers^ Committees for Southern England, Western England and Wales have a common interest in the South Coast to Bristol and South Wales rail route which runs across their three areas. They share concerns that, under new franchise arrangements, the route might not enjoy the current prominence it has under the Wessex Trains Franchise, which finishes in 2006.
Their concerns were well founded to the extent that the problems that then ensued were discussed at length in Parliament on the 24 Jan 2007 small comments from the debate stand out:
Theresa May
My hon. Friend is extremely generous with his time. I have received more than 600 e-mails from my constituents about this issue. At Paddington last night, I saw the FGW strapline, "Transforming Travel". It has indeed, for my constituents, transformed a good, reliable service with a good choice of fast and semi-fast trains for commuting to London into a very, very bad service, with a significant reduction in the number of trains available, and overcrowding. Does my hon. Friend agree that for commuters from the Thames valley, what is crucial is increasing the number of fast and semi-fast services into Paddington so that the overcrowding can be reduced and our constituents can have a decent service to get into London?
Sandra Gidley LibDem Romsey
Also raised with the Minister at that time were concerns that the trains in the reduced service were to be reduced from three carriages to two. That seemed particularly perverse because, only a few years before, Wessex Trains had received permission to put on extra carriages because of the demand on the line. Again, we are not learning from the lessons of the past when designing new franchises. I support entirely the call for the draft timetable to be available for public scrutiny.
And then FGW had the temerity of trying to claim at the time that they had made improvements when they re-instated 3 cars. Melksham residents are still trying to get their service reinstated to the level it was pre FGW, so you may appreciate why that particular statement hit quite a raw nerve. Also the problems at that time gave birth to numerous blogs, including this one , and the setting up of this forum.
And apologies again dviner if you felt I was aiming anything at you personally.