In the video Mr Wild specifies a finally final completion of the project by May 2023 and passengers / taxpayers are expected to be impressed?
I think he has been quite consistent with his messages and updates. He started at one point for the first part (Paddington / Abbey Wood) as "we are planning for" he is now sending out a much more confident message as "we are well on track for"
Also he is now say what the final stages are with expected time lines.
This phase of Crossrail was left a bit of mess by the previous 'construction' senior leadership who had totally forgot about commissioning and integrating a highly complex system
The plan has several stages of opening, and I don't think they have ever succeeded in putting this across clearly. It may not even be possible. For one thing, when passengers start using the central tunnel, they will still have to change at Paddington to and from the west. Paddington station was finished recently, will be an important interchange for the surface station for a few months, and will then become somewhere to whizz past unseen. So for passengers from Taplow (especially those going to Bond Street) the first opening is not a lot of use.
There's an IanVisits report on that that includes a simpler statement of the phasing, as it affects Paddington, which may help:
When the line opens next year*, people coming in from the east via Canary Wharf will use the new station, while services coming in from the west will continue to use the mainline station.
Later next year, it’s planned that all services will use the new platforms, with a slightly better service for the Abbey Wood branch than the Shenfield branch, and then the whole lot is linked up in early 2023.
A report in July has Mark Wild giving "early February 2022" as the earliest date for that step.