« on: December 17, 2010, 18:16:34 » |
old original
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2010, 20:17:22 » |
Just to clarify, Chris, this is not FIRST doing this, it's a Cornwall Council decision which affects all bus operators, Western Greyhound etc.
8 Billion people on a wet rock - of course we're not happy
Chris from Nailsea
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2010, 20:29:50 » |
Thanks, chrisoates and old original. In the interests of 'fairness' (?!), I've amended the heading of this topic. Further details of their decision are available from Cornwall Council: From 1 January 2011, there are changes to the times you can use your National Concessionary Fare Pass.
Monday ^ Friday journeys starting between 0930 and 2300 will continue to be free. Outside of these times you will be required to pay the standard fare for the journey you are making. Free travel will continue to be available at all times on Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays.
These amendments bring Cornwall into line with the national scheme rules. Cornwall Council regrets the need for this change which is due to the need to make substantial savings in line with national requirements.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2010, 20:42:44 by chris from nailsea »
William Huskisson MP▸ was the first person to be killed by a train while crossing the tracks, in 1830. Many more have died in the same way since then. Don't take a chance: stop, look, listen.
"Level crossings are safe, unless they are used in an unsafe manner." Discuss.
« Reply #3 on: December 18, 2010, 01:00:14 » |
Always thought the National Bus Pass could be used at any time? I know of areas that take the pass on certain routes at any time, London being one of them.
I do not work for FGW▸ and posts should not be assumed and do not imply they are statements, unless explicitly stated that they are, from any TOC▸ including First Great Western.
old original
« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2010, 08:52:58 » |
It comes down each local authority who has to pay for the scheme (with a subsidy from central gvmt) to set certain conditions. Cornwall currently allows local residents to use them at any time but visitors not until after 09.30. From January, the locals will not be allowed to use them until 09.30 as well.
8 Billion people on a wet rock - of course we're not happy
« Reply #5 on: December 18, 2010, 11:24:48 » |
The national conditions are 09.30 to 23.00 Mondays to Fridays, any time Saturdays and Sundays (where there's a service). In London TfL» funds the use of national bus passes in London at any time but otherwise each local authority sets its own conditions for its local pass. For example in Wiltshire local passes are allowed at any time except on First services before 09.00 M -F.
I like to travel. It lets me feel I'm getting somewhere.
brompton rail
« Reply #6 on: December 18, 2010, 18:49:38 » |
South Yorkshire PTE▸ is the most generous of all. Passes valid from 9.00 am, on all buses, trains and trams, plus on through Northern Rail services out of SY into West Yorkshire. Also visitors can use the buses after 9 am but not the trains, but they can also use the trams. Hopefully this will not change but we await the setting of next years's budget
Chris from Nailsea
« Reply #7 on: December 18, 2010, 19:48:28 » |
As this topical discussion is now widening to compare public transport services outside Cornwall, I've moved the topic here, in 'Other ways to travel'. Thanks for your replies, everyone! CfN.
William Huskisson MP▸ was the first person to be killed by a train while crossing the tracks, in 1830. Many more have died in the same way since then. Don't take a chance: stop, look, listen.
"Level crossings are safe, unless they are used in an unsafe manner." Discuss.
« Reply #8 on: December 18, 2010, 20:36:36 » |
i believe such passes should perhaps be means tested or disability tested rather than handed out to all, i know of many elderly people who have saved well, and have more money than most other people in cornwall,
*runs for cover, probable controversial comment*
All posts are my own personal believes, opinions and understandings!
Chris from Nailsea
« Reply #9 on: December 18, 2010, 20:46:13 » |
Perhaps there is a case for making such inflexibly 'automatic age related payments' a bit more focussed: for example, the winter fuel allowance paid to those over 60 also causes some heated discussions, apparently!
« Last Edit: December 18, 2010, 20:52:15 by chris from nailsea »
William Huskisson MP▸ was the first person to be killed by a train while crossing the tracks, in 1830. Many more have died in the same way since then. Don't take a chance: stop, look, listen.
"Level crossings are safe, unless they are used in an unsafe manner." Discuss.
brompton rail
« Reply #10 on: December 18, 2010, 21:13:27 » |
Speaking as an OAP, I have never believed that people appreciate things they get for free ( well, excluding fresh air perhaps!). Since the journey from home to town of around 4 miles cost ^2.40 one way or ^4.30 for a day ticket on what First laughingly call a bus SERVICE, I believe that a nominal payment of at least ^1 per journey should be applied. This should also include young people who currently pay only 50p per trip. Multi trip tickets would cover longer trips and bring in some revenue.
« Reply #11 on: December 19, 2010, 12:23:27 » |
Perhaps there is a case for making such inflexibly 'automatic age related payments' a bit more focussed: for example, the winter fuel allowance paid to those over 60 also causes some heated discussions, apparently! with regards to the heating allowance, my grandparents have retired to Greece, and yet still receive this every year, they are not registered as living in the uk, no addresses suplied in the uk, something to do with being eligible for a private british pension so they receive the fuel allowance!
All posts are my own personal believes, opinions and understandings!
brompton rail
« Reply #12 on: December 19, 2010, 12:40:09 » |
I has been argued before, that Universal benfits like Winter Fuel and Child Benefits are administered more cheaply than there being a requirement to claim, supported by a statement of income for means testing, all of which require extra staffing at a time when staff cuts are being made. Look at the fiasco over limiting child benefit to people earning under ^40k, but not households earning under ^40k.
However the only reason free bus travel is available in England is because the devolved administrations od Scotland and Wales offer it to their citizens. Personally I would be very satisfied to retain free travel in my local area, which for many an be a quite large area. E.g. Cornwall, Devon, North Yorksire, though those living in Bristol might loose out ( but then they have a greater choose of buses than Cornwall).
« Reply #13 on: December 19, 2010, 13:52:31 » |
Have heard that the introduction of Smart Card technology might be expedited Nationally and a new Smart card version of the OA Pass introduced witha monthly monetary cap on use applied 'before 2013/4'. A suggested value of ^120 per month of which up to ^20 could be carried forward to subsequent months was made in the conversation I was in. The value selected enabling reasonable shopping and leisure journies with a backup for health trips, but preventing the tourism aspects of the current free-for-all.
In Cornwall most Western Greyhound services are equipped already, First might struggle as would the smaller operators.
brompton rail
« Reply #14 on: December 19, 2010, 15:20:06 » |
Seems like the way to go to me. ^120 pm seems quite generous, for example SYPTE have a Travelmaster Direct debit ticket covering a years travel by bus, tram and train for ^89 pm. No restrictions, so ^120 on a Smart card seems good. Hopefully there would be no move to remove peaktime (am) restrictions.
I wonder how much OAP passes are used outside their local county. Personally I very rarely use mine outside, though for many free bus travel in London is useful.