The refurbished 158, number 761 was out on it's first passenger runs today.
09.22 Bristol
TM‡ - Portsmouth
12.22 Portsmouth - Cardiff
16.30 Cardiff - Portsmouth (with 158867)
20.22 Portsmouth - Cardiff (with 158867)
Did it from Westbury to Trowbridge, and I must say I was impressed. The carpets are the same to those fitted on the MK3's, as is the seat livery. The seats are retained, however have been "pumped" up, so slightly higher, the tables have been replaced. The airline seats however don't have tables. The bins have also recieved a new coat of pain
The inside isn't too bright, but bright enough. The same stregth as the
SWT▸ 158's.
FC‡ has really good as gone, no table lamps or sockets anymore
On my 'train test' I didn't even get as far as the 57 end (started in the 52), the bright pink doors are shocking, but do the job. All the interior buttons are now iluminated. The sink has been replaced in the toilet, however we were pulling in to Trowbridge at the time so didn't have time to see what the water runout/tempreture was like.
The disabled space table is now extremally small and fixed, the luggage racks now have grey and dark grey stripes and the new safety posters are allready starting to come off. (They are stuck on using stupid glue which doesnt stick very well at all)
Hope the review isn't too brief, only had 6 minutes to do it!
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