Credit where credit is due, the sleeper coaches arrived into Pl 4 at PNZ at c19h30 and led by a class 08 shunter. 57603 arrived about 20h00 and the problem was very quickly picked up on an there must have been 4-6 fitters on site trying desperately to remedy the problem.

But most of all, praise must go to the on-board staff and duty station manager. They empathised and did everything in their power to do what was necessary. The Duty Manager was on the phone to control asking if we could take the
HST▸ , the stewards were then handing out pampering packs, offering complementary refreshments by the bucketload!

I DIDN'T sleep well

- although, that said, I vaguely remember seeing Liskard and didn't wake again until we stopped at Swindon (

surprising as I thought we would be booked on the Berks and Hants) where there appeared to be a crewing change at about 03h15. We then arrived at Reading at 3.45am where we waited for our 05h13 departure. (This again

confused me, since Reading on this service is a setting down point, why couldn't we motor on to Pad and done with it - surely it wouldn't have been exactly that busy or full at silly'o'clock in the morning?)
On arrival at
PAD» we were STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to go and have breakfast in the 1st Class Lounge - and very nice it was too!

The on-board staff also handed out the compensation forms so that we could apply for our refunds!