Hi, TRAIN DRAINED, and welcome to the forum.
I run a business, and I encourage customer feedback - it's our lifeblood in providing a service for the future. So you're uttertly right to tell service provider what you think.
Indeed, I have moved your post from the middle of a very busy thread on the coming of the class 142 units to Devon so that it gets separate, and greater, exposure - hope you're OK with this.

... And don't just tell us - tell that train operators and the train specifiers too.
Of course, everyone who provides a customer service would like to please all the customers, all the time and at a price that's so cheap that everyone consider it excellent value. But you can't please all the people all of the time, so you may get a "no can do" response. Operationally, that will be a valid answer sometimes, but I've learned that "niet" can change into "we're trying" and may even get to "here's a gesture in the right direction" ... that's where we are on the TransWilts now with the return of a southbound train on Sunday. Next year ... we can get to an appropriate service!