I can't obviously see incidents posted anywhere else...so will post about it here..
Train services out of Paddington were badly disrupted tonight due to an incident at iver...
I decided not to rush to Paddington as I knew what it would be like.. So I arrived there about 19.25..
When I got there the next trains out were the 19.22, 19.27 and 19.42 departures and were all showing as delayed.. The boards were also saying there were delays due to this "incident" and that they hoped to start running trains again about 18.30.. So that was at least an hour out of date then...

There was an announcement made but we couldn't really hear it...
Finally the 19.27 was announced for platform 13.. As you can imagine that created a bit of a stampede.. Some poor man managed to trip over one of the mats that I think is there to soak up leaking rain water (well I assume so anyway).. Several other passengers helped to pick him up so I didn't need to..
Anyway.. on platform 12 there was a train (a
FGW▸ rather than the usual Heathrow connect in this platform).. There were some people on it as the doors were open.. I did ask one person already on the train if they knew where that train was going but they didn't.. So I carried on to platform 13.. Except, as you might guess.. the train there was already full...
I asked the train despatcher if he happened to know where the train at platform 12 was going to but before he could answer he had to rush off to stop anyone else getting on the train on 13 so it could leave.. He did then tell people there would be another train in 5 minutes but also completely forgot to come back and answer my question..
I decided to head back to the main concourse.. On the information board on the way back I noticed the 19.18 departure had appeared on the board and was at platform 11.. even though it hadn't been on the board previously.. This train is first stop Maidenhead.. Walking back down platform 12 there were various drops of blood which I can only assume came from the poor man who fell over rushing to platform 13.. There were also people still on thetrain on platform 12 (in fact they might still be there now

).. I got on the 19.18.. It was half empty as most people were still either on platform 13 waiting or somewhere in between I think..
So although my journey wasn't too bad in the end.. the communication and organisation was totally rubbish.. Not that I'm surprised to be honest.. But someone somewhere managed to make a bad situation much much worse..
Will they ever learn? I'm sure (for example) the 19.18 didn't suddenly miraculously appear in platform 11 to the surprise of everyone..someone surely had to drive it there? Well at least I hope so..I also wonder why the platform 12 train had open doors as that just invites people to get on.. As to my opinion of making people rush to platform 13/14... hhmmm....
I did tell Ollie about the incident with the passenger who got hurt on platform 12 as I was pretty sure that it wasn't reported to a member of staff at the time and apart from anything else someone eventually would have wondered where the blood came from.. Thanks Ollie