September performance measures
Running (rather than cancelled) and arriving at final destination "on time" - i.e. within 5 or 10 minutes of when due ...
80% - Bristol Suburban
76% - Cardiff and Portsmouth
Target is 86%.
In September, there were 662 cancellations attributable to FGW▸ and 222 attributable to Network Rail.
But what do these figures represent, just cancellations attributable to FGW and Network Rail.
What about those cancellations caused by suicides, trees falling on the line, rain falling like a monsoon flooding the line and 100's of acres either side of it and lineside fires which neccessitate the line being closed etc, etc.. Do these cancellations figures include services which are curtailed for example a Paddington - Paignton service which terminates at Newton Abbot due to late running and starts back to Paddington at Newton Abbot. Although the service(s) are not cancelled in its entirety, to a passenger waiting at Torquay for the service to Paddington, that is a cancellation. So really those figures are a nothing to me but if the figures relate
ONLY to cancellations attributable to FGW and Network Rail then it is an indictement of how bad FGW are, an average of 22 services per day, how does that compare with the other
TOC▸ 's and what percentage of the total services timetabled does it represent.
Again with the punctuality figures what percentage of the late services were as a result of FGW, Network Rail, other TOC's services running late or outside influences like leaves on the line, wrong kind of snow, etc.
Finally, was the meeting useful.