After all the fun I've had, as a member of this forum, over the past two and a half years, I'd
almost forgotten why I joined in the first place.
However, a look at my own first couple of posts, at reminded me.
Somehow, I remain as positive and hopeful
now as I was
then - and, to be fair, so much has already been achieved, in terms of improving reliability. On the other hand, my son no longer goes to swimming lessons.
Having progressed from 'newbie' to administrator on this forum in that time, I'd just like to add my personal thanks to all those members who have contributed so much to my enjoyment of this forum.
Just looked at this - I thought it was well after that I joined!
But it was the december 2006 time table change that caused me grief and a lost contract - I lost it end of Jan so I guess it was causing me issues then.
That was when I spent a couple of hours a night sitting in the sloe bat if I missed the 1822 waiting for the 2022 because the 1922 was a two car 165