Thanks peeps. I got a bit confused after reading some case law regarding obstruction of the highway. The Town Police Clause Act 1847 is of course statute.
It is a wonderful piece of legislation, I agree. Without wishing to divert the topic too much, some other offences are:
Every person who in any street, to the obstruction, annoyance, or danger of the residents or passengers, commits any of the following offences:
- Every person who wilfully and wantonly disturbs any inhabitant, by pulling or ringing any door bell, or knocking at any door, or who wilfully and unlawfully extinguishes the light of any lamp
- Every person who flies any kite, or who makes or uses any slide upon ice or snow
- Every person who beats or shakes any carpet, rug, or mat (except door mats, beaten or shaken before the hour of eight in the morning)
- Every person who fixes or places any flower-pot or box, or other heavy article, in any upper window, without sufficiently guarding the same against being blown down
From that, it would appear that my childhood playing of
Knock, Knock, Ginger could have landed me in the slammer for up to 14 days.