A real shame about Melksham though, we've seen plenty of other improvements- why not one of the most needed services in the region. And it appears there are no services to Mottisfont & Dunbridge, Dean, or Pilning on this timetable.
Bradford-on-Avon, yes, good news.It's a town that's just half the size of Melksham and now has two services each way per hour (as opposed to two each way per DAY) .... talk of unbalanced treatment. And, yes, Melksham and the TransWilts do need services.
You ask "Why Not?". I'm not 100% certain -
FOI▸ has shown us all the plans but I'm not clear as to why they were dropped. If I had cynicalitis this morning, I might take Andrew Seedhouse from
GOSW» words and describe the situation as the powers that be "managing expectitions" by waving a carrot at us and only pulling it away when it's too late for us to call "foul". Persoanlly, I think the jury's out on that - I simply don't know. But there is a pattern forming. Great hopes came to nowt before the frachise was let in 2005. Hopes that
FGW▸ would do something as a result of the consultation inputs in 2006 resulted in the draft timetables being changed for the worse, and now this debacle in 2007. "Be patient - we'll do something for December 2008" is now the story - "these things take time and you can't expect it overnight".
Mottisfornt and Dean are now servered by a (near) hourly
SWT▸ service, and the draft timetables are purely for FGW. So Salisbury - Southampton looks thin when, in fact, there's a lot more services there. In particular, the FGW trains that terminate at Southampton are running shortly before / after SWT trains that call at Mottisfont and Dean in each case.
The drafts are Monday to Friday only, so unless there was an improvement at Pilning I would not expect to see any services shown.
IMHO▸ it's a shame they don't publish / consult on weekend and Sunday services, especially as Sunday evening is the busiest time of the week for long distance travel.