Hi guys, I am new on here and have been doing research for a film that I am producing, commissioned for by the British Youth Film Academy.
It is a massive job for me, only graduating from Oxford University last year, and I am delighted to have got the opportunity.
Basically this is where you guys can help. I have been given a script that involves a shot nearby to a stationary train not at a platform, long story that I wont go into of why this is a very important shot in the script. And being based in Newbury and after doing some location research, I have thought that it might be possible to film in the field nearby to where the First Great Western trains turn around at Bedwyn. No trespassing is going on and aslong as the train is in the background of view the shoot will be perfect.
I need a very short slot where it would be possible for a small crew to get a very short piece of film with the train in the background stationery. I just wondered whether any local people or drivers, workers, anyone knows if the train stays there for a certain matter of time? Or if it ever stayed there late or overnight? By the way the shot is at night but not due to be filmed until November where light will be dim by 6pm.
I understand that this isn't what many on here often debate (after a short browse through) but any help would be greatly appreciated. I wish I had the financial clout to get a train company to set a shot like this up, but being a small budget feature film I cant see it happening