From the
Bristol Evening Post:
'Resigned' look on face at rail suicide
A keen railway enthusiast had a "look of resignation" on his face as he stepped to his death ^ in front of a 100mph train, an inquest heard.
DHL delivery driver Tony Percival put up an 'unfailingly cheerful' facade in public but was a troubled man deeply affected by the deathbed rejection of his dying father, jurors were told.
He had lost his mother when he was in his teens and the recent death of the aunt who had cared for him had also affected him, the Cheltenham inquest heard.
The jury returned a suicide verdict on 56-year-old Mr Percival, of Eros close, Stroud, who also had an inherited home at Lawrence Weston, Bristol.
He died when he was hit by a train on the Bristol-Birmingham line near Dursley. Mr Percival took his life despite having been in a seemingly happy relationship with a new partner, the jury of eight men and three women heard.
Mr Percival worked out of the DHL depot in Avonmouth, and was well-known to many in Bristol.
The keen railway enthusiast died near Cam and Dursley station on June 6 last year and was identified by his fingerprints.
The inquest was told the train driver David Knight had a clear view ahead but after glancing down at his speedometer, he looked back up to see a man standing between the rails. He saw the man "glance resignedly back" over his shoulder just before the impact.
The inquest heard that Mr Percival had had a number of failed relationships after his marriage to his wife Carol broke down.
She said he had been very close to his mother, but did not get on with his dad.
"He used to say he had always lost everyone close to him, and would not let others get too close because he feared getting hurt."
Summing up, deputy Gloucestershire coroner David Dooley said the loss of his mother and then later of his aunt, plus the rejection by his dying father, had had a profound effect on him.
The jury returned a verdict that Mr Percival had taken his own life.
The date quoted in this article is incorrect: it was in fact 10 June 2010.