Trout is current enjoying a short break in the midlands...

Until he stumbled across what could have been a rather costly rail journey (one of those ^20 jobbies

Trout was located at Stafford station, upon arrival he went to the ticket office and asked for a
FC▸ single to Liverpool Lime Street... This set the trout back ^14.50 with his railcard

So he went to catch his train, a London Midland Service... Big mistake

What the trout had failed to realise is the lady at the booking office had sold him a Virgin Trains Only ticket

so he technically didn't have a ticket! The ticket collector onboard did realise this and pointed out the folly of my actionS (which I was totally unaware of) fortunately he wasn't an
RPI▸ ! But he politely asked me to make sure that I had the relevant ticket in future! Also that had he have been an RPI I would have been
PF▸ 'd
Now I'm not overly happy about this because I had no idea that there were different tickets for operators on that route... It's out of my area, the ticket collector however was polite and excessed my ticket appropriately (which I was more than happy to pay)
But had I have been PF'd would I have had any leg to stand on as I was totally unaware?
Please excuse any spelling errors... Typed this from my iPhone