For you to respond to any helpful suggestion from any member here by calling it 'complete cop out' is not acceptable.
Please reconsider the tone of your post.
I did consider the tone of my post, very seriously, before I posted it. I did not consider this suggestion to be "helpful".
I can only assume by his "nom de plume" that the poster who accused me of "sounding off" is (or was) a railway employee. I am afraid, to me, accusing me of "sounding off" is more of an "offence" against site rules than my saying that something is a "cop out" !
I am also accused of "shouting" which is most certainly not the case - could it be that I am criticising the Railway Companies just a little too much ? Can we have a little bit of balance here please ?
To go back to the start of this thread - It would now appear that it is quite acceptable for
TOC▸ employees to refuse access to part of a station to a pair of 60 year olds on the grounds that they are potential "fare dodgers" - YET - the same TOC seems to be unwilling to act when blatant fare dodging adversely affects one of these persons who has paid the full fare.
Yet again, I have to say (perhaps in slightly more diplomatic terms) that I find anyone who supports this attitude to be defending the indefensible.
I am not expecting that this site does anything about
SWT▸ 's (or
FGW▸ 's policies), not that I asked it to; however, I do not expect that a totally
justified comment on this subject to be met with accusation of "sounding off" and of "shouting" by other site members. I would therefore respectfully ask that others also "reconsider the tone" of their posts .
35mph in a 30mph zone is against the law.
In effect, so is SWT's blatant disregard of the rules laid down by
DfT» when SWT signed up to its franchise.