In response to the opening post, I would like to congratulate
FGW▸ for ensuring that First Class is for First Class ticket holders only.
In recent weeks I have travelled in First with South West Trains (
EXD» to CLJ return) and various journeys on Southern, South Eastern, First Capital Connect, East Midlands Trains and Gatwick Express. Only East Midlands made any effort to ensure that those of us in First had paid for it and it was apparent that Standard ticket holders were casually occupying First on virtually every service. What ticket checks that were undertaken were only ever at the start of the journey eg Lewes (to Victoria), thus ensuring that First was crammed with French teenagers after Gatwick (oh joy!).
SWT▸ EXD - WAT was crammed (3 coaches all the way to WAT

) and I personally have no problem with, for example, parents with small children being upgraded by the guard. However, as it was, a family emerged from Standard after Yeovil, celebrated finding four empty seats with a table and spent the rest of their journey discussing how they would 'make a stand' if asked for their tickets. They needn't have worried as two different guards blatantly ignored them on different occasions. My ticket? ^171 return. All I ask is that they were made to acknowledge that they were being given a one-off upgrade rather than - in my opinion - being ignored because of the 'hassle' involved.
I should perhaps make clear that I was travelling in a private capacity and that I was not claiming my tickets on expenses or using a pass. How do I know that other passengers in First have Standard tickets? Just watch and listen! Have used FGW for about a dozen EXD -
PAD» return First trips in past 3 months and they are clearly making a determined effort to clamp down on Standard stragglers, even between Reading and PAD.
Incidentally, East Midlands First Class scores some points over FGW; china crockery laid out on table, prompt at-seat service, glossy 'welcome' brochure incorporating menus and a little more generous with the freebies (!). However, the seating layout of the Meridians (?) is poor, with several seats having no window and the general feel and decor inferior to FGW
HST▸ . Long live the Mk 3!