I see the big mobile crane has been use again today, (with an extension jib), positioning a few roof sections adjacent to the London side escalators on the P10/11 island this time.
Just to round up the activities last week, (presumably, and as discussed earlier, due to crane load limits), as far as I can see all the escalators are now in position. There's a couple of short sections of main steelwork yet to be fitted next to the stair/escalator on the country side of the P14/15 island, but other than that I think there's every likelihood that the bulk of the sloping roof sections will be fitted this week.
This crane only appears to be used to lift heavy objects that are at the furthest reach of the tower crane. All the other roof sections have been lifted in with the tower crane on the country side were lifted in with the tower crane except those which were so close to the foot of the tower it presumably could not reach.
On the London side the big crane last weekend did the lower sections of the roof after the escalators were lifted in. However the rest of the P12/13 roof sections were then lifted in during the week with the tower crane.
For the escalators the load was obviously an issue as the P14/15 escalators were lifted in with the big crane in as whole units, then the P12/13 were lifted in with the same crane but in three parts. Alternative means had to be used to install the escalators on P10/11 as even the big crane could not lift that much at such a reach.
I'd also suggest that on P10/11 the rest of the London end roof (and platform buildings) will probably be delayed until some time later because the building's 'footprint' involves the wider waiting area at the foot of the existing stairs?
Looks very likely
Meanwhile, at the south end of the subway I'm quite surprised the portable buildings are still there, as they really need to start on the Reading Council area of the worksite soon - unless the initial route for subway users really is going to require a diversion to the west end of the access ramps and stairs?
Given that they only have 2 weeks left before the subway is due to be opened I have assumed they will divert people round to the west end of the ramp/stairs.