The new Turbo depot planning reference is 10/01380/FUL if anyone wishes to look at the details - and as usual there are enough details to keep you browsing for quite a while...
Thanks for providing the link, Paul.
First time I've seen them in such detail, although I was aware of the basic layout. From the plans it looks as if stabling/maintenance capacity will be provided as follows:
West End Stabling Sidings: 6 sidings with a total capacity for around 80 vehicles
Maintenance Depot: 4 maintenance roads with a total capacity of around 28 vehicles, plus room for 8 vehicles on a siding alongside the maintenance shed, as well as a unit in the 'Underframe Cleaning Facility' with up to two of its vehicles actually in the facility.
IEP▸ Depot: 7 track facility with a total capacity for 17 5-car Bi-mode IEP sets
or a maximum of 6 10 car Electric IEP sets and 5 Bi-Mode sets.
The operation in the West End Stabling Sidings especially will have to be very slick given the fact that one of the sidings can stack up to 17 vehicles ending in stop blocks, so the need to make sure the units are in the right order to come out next morning will be much more important than it is now in Reading Upper Depot with its 17 separate sidings! Mind you, the lack of a need to manage fuel loads on the electric sets will mean there's a little more flexibility in that respect.
I believe a signalling system is to be installed in the depot, similar to that at the former Eurostar depot at North Pole, as with such a long operational length, handsignalling is not deemed appropriate.