Hmm, we're somewhat off-topic here, aren't we?
In answer to your question though, I never saw that unit in traffic, but I wouldn't describe it as a refurb - more a case of new seat covers on the old seats (already refurbished by Wales and West I believe, with Chapman seating, although those used to have an irregular "shades of blue" moquette whcih you can probably still see on some of their 158s that went north) and the odd bit of internal trim. So in fact virtually all of the Wessex 158s had those seats, just with different coverings.
There were a few units done with a more thorough overhaul that included entirely different seating (from what I recall it was a substantially grey seat with a maroon headrest) and carpets, no idea how many. But none of them looked very much like FGW's refurb, it's an entirely different colour scheme and for the most part the seating has been replaced with Richmond seats (although weirdly I think some cars retain their original
BR▸ seats, just with new upholstery, this can vary within a unit in the "hybrid"158s). As far as I can remember the actual layout of the vehicles, in terms of table/unidirectional seating remains much the same.