The guard in this case is required to have full route knowledge and ensures the driver reacts appropriately to any forthcoming signals or speed restrictions etc.
Guards cannot do this as they do not have the required knowledge. Only a qualified driver would be allowed. Guards route knowlegde and drivers route knowledge is different.
There are only two occasions when the guard can be a competent person to travel with the driver. If the
DSD▸ is isolated and the guard would be able to stop the train if the driver became incapacitated. Also if it is dark and the driver is requested to examine the line he can ask the gurard to join him as an extra pair of eyes to keep a look out.
Maybe different companies, different working instructions and different route knowledge requirements for guards as I've been up the front during an
AWS▸ isolation with my previous
TOC▸ and was told it would also be the case during training with my current one.
For anyone insterested, the roles of the driver and competent person are below:
When the train or traction unit on which the AWS or
TPWS▸ is
defective or isolated is approaching a signal, you must:
^ call out the signal aspect or indications to the competent person,
^ give a commentary on the speed reduction on the approach to
cautionary and stop aspects.
On the approach to speed restrictions, you must tell the
competent person that you are applying the brakes to observe
the restriction.
Competent Person:
When you are accompanying the driver on a train or traction unit
on which the AWS or TPWS is defective or isolated, you must:
^ have the required route knowledge for the entire route over
which you have to accompany the driver
^ acknowledge the driver^s reaction to signal aspects, sequences
or indications
^ if necessary, remind the driver of a signal displaying a
cautionary or stop aspect
^ acknowledge the driver^s reaction to speed restrictions
^ if necessary, remind the driver of the speed restriction ahead.