.....and with HM's (present) loyal opposition threatening to look at electrification's "value for money" (again!), when they climb into the national cab, will someone here please explain it all to Theresa, MP▸ ........OTC
Railway electrification is of no use to their mates and sponsors in the road haulage industry
Electrification ISN'T the panacea that so many people make it out to be.
It certainly isn't greener, it just moves the pollution to someone else's back yard.
Electricity is becoming more expensive and (we are told) we are likely to run out of the stuff in the next few years.
It is hugely expensive to electrify a route AND buy new electric rolling stock.
On many routes, modern diesels ARE the "value for money" route - electrics certainly aren't !
Still want a "green", "value for money" diesel?
I'm afraid the figures you quote generally don't withstand much scrutiny.
Lets just look at CO2 kg/mile:
A diesel is often the prime mover on a train: therefore the only efficiency losses are on the train: thermal losses, friction losses, etc etc.
An electric train is powered by electricity which is generated (at an efficiency loss) many miles away (mainly by burning carbon fuel) , there are transmission losses, there are efficiency losses in transferring the power to the train (sparking pantographs/3rd rails!), then voltage conversion losses within the train, plus all the other inefficiencies that any other type of propulsion would suffer from.
Generation alone: A Coal fired power station has a thermal efficiency of 40% (max), gas up to 50%. A modern diesel engine is 50%. The diesel is on the train, the power station is 200 miles away. When you don't need the diesel you can let it idle or shut it down; a power station
HAS to be kept fully fired up - you can't just press the "start" button and open the throttle. (but of course the electric train proponent will say the power station "ain't my problem".)
"Improvement of passenger product" 

Lets have FACTS please:
"Electric trains have zero emissions at the point of use" from a dft publication - just
NOT true ! Just for a start, air conditioning packs produce large quantities of water vapour (look at the puddle under your car) which is a far more potent greenhouse gas than CO2 ! But don't let the facts get in the way of a good story. AND the sparking I mentioned earlier produces lots of Ozone, which is a good thing hundreds of miles up, but NOT at ground level.
FINALLY: track costs!! The latest estimate to electrify Paddington- Cardiff is ^380 million. As the final estimate (they haven't finished adding up the figures yet !) for
WCML▸ upgrade is ^8 to ^10
BILLION !! think of a final figure for Paddington - Cardiff and double it/triple it/quadruple it/etc/etc/etc............
Don't get me wrong ! Electric trains are great in the right place,
HS▸ 1 was a no brainer - but I get weary when I read statements saying that electrification is the answer to all the problems of the railway industry. I heard the same thing about replacing steam with diesel - what a disorganised shambles that turned into! THAT was the time to electrify the routes that justified it - as most other countries did !
I will totally agree that most of this country's rail problems are caused by under investment. I was living in Scotland in 1974 when WCML electrification was completed: great! - 100 mph an hour trains, etc, etc. But it was done on the cheap - much of the infrastructure has had to be completely replaced as it wasn't up to the job.
Industry Insider: I am indeed trying to argue that
much electrification is not worth the investment - but also that much of the hype about how green electric trains are, is also, I am afraid - ludicrous !