« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2010, 07:54:44 » |
Train to Paddington, bus 23 to Aldwych, then a wide variety of routes from the south side of Aldwych over Waterloo Bridge. The train fare and times should be much easier to find from the FGW▸ web site - or from National Rail's - or from 08457 48 49 50. The buses on route 23 run every 4 minutes, and are very frequent indeed over Waterloo Bridge.
This thread has been brought to the attention of the moderator team on the coffee shop by a third party to the thread.
We're here as a great information resource, and many of us enjoy coming up with options such as the one above (which is probably far easier that making various train changes along the way, and does exclude the tube). However, don't forget that alternatives are available on a wide variety of web sites and on the phone from National Rail, or you can be helped out at your local station if you're fortunate enough to have a staffed one.
If you're a new poster, awed by all the options, please do post here and ask your question, and you will get a friendly response - happy to help you find your way through the muddy and overcomplex options for even a simple journey like Plymouth to London. But if you're a poster who is well established, you've got a bit of "previous", and you've still not realised that questions are answered by real people who deserve respect, pleases, thank you-s, and expect follow ups to let them know how you got on, etc, then you must expect the odd sharp reaction. As an admin / moderator, I don't condone the sharp reaction - but I'm not going to change it in any way in this case.