This leaves Bournemouth depot the task of driving each train between Poole (for some turnarounds)
That would explain why I saw a
XC▸ Voyager in the sidings at Poole last year. If they send some trains down to Poole to turnaround, it's a shame they don't run them as through passenger services teminating at Poole rather than Bournemouth.
Unfortunately the usual turnround time of a 10-15 minutes past the hour arrival and 45 mins past the hour departure Mondays to Saturday is prohibitive and therefore the middle sidings at Bournemouth are the prefered option, though late services can be turned on the platform.
Back when the Voyagers were introduced there was a sporadic Poole service which fell foul of the axe when the shortcomings of the timetable became clear.
There's certainly options for an early morning Poole departure and a later evening Poole arrival when empty sets would otherwise be lying idle. For instance the 0630 and 0730 departures from Bournemouth currently arrive from Eastleigh as a double set, detatch in the middle sidings and exit to form their respective services. This has the potential for one unit to continue to Poole to serve an 0715 departure and times as booked from Bomo.
The same could be applied to evening arrivals, whereby the 1910 arrival fors the 1945 final service to Birmingham. Subsequent arrivals wait in the sidings to double-up and then go
ECS▸ to Eastleigh, so there is a potential for the 2010 arrival to continue to Poole and then travel ECS back to Bomo to attach to the 2110 arrival.
The reason for the current trips to Poole on a Sunday is the
SWT▸ stopping service, which instead of overtaking it at Brockenhurst, XC have to follow to Bounremouth giving and approximate arrival of half past the hour, that set will then for the xx45 departure the following hour.
Sorry folks if I've gone on for a bit as I know this isn't FGWland, maybe following the introduction of the Bath Spa service (
ORCATS▸ raid or valuable thru service is discussed elsewhere) XC are opening up to the idea of reinstating a few lost direct connections.