Just to clarify, FallenAngel: it was a car driver, not the train driver, who 'ran a red signal'?
Ok, I typed the last from my iphone so it was a bit brief.
From what a few regulars were told by the
TM‡ and the customer host.
The previous signal was "green" (in laymans terms). Driver rounded a bend and the signal was apparently red when it should not have been. As a passenger I noticed extreme breaking but assumed it was bad traction.
Next the "can the train manager contact the driver" came over the tannoy.
Next we knew was at evesham and they were on the phone to control (I was in F) saying the driver was not feeling well after the incident and what were they to do about staff and taxis.
Asked what had happened.
This is ONLY WHAT I WAS TOLD and overheard
The previous signal was green, the one before the crossing was red - driver slammed on the breaks. Signal man apparently (according to the overheard conversation) would claim "well I thought I saw something on the crossing"
Whether any of that should have been said in front of half a train load of people is not my concern.
So yes, the driver as far as I was hearing 0 ran a red light but it was not the drivers fault on first appearances.
Undobtedly the incident will be investigated and it will all come out in the wash
Still does not explain where they parked the 1751