I seem to remember there was a thread a little while ago were some people were calling for 1st class to be abolished. Maybe it has already started the 2015 to Swansea was formed 2+6 tonight 5 standards and 1 first class. Interestingly it does not appear on the service incidents as a short formation.
Have been reliably informed the acceleration is pretty good

Doesnt surprise me
With the down grading of the first class service i.e. trolleys not showing up when expected, buffets closing early, removal of the first class perks (been done to death lets not go there but coke, wine club etc)
There really is not much incentive for the occasional or even 1-2 weekly traveller to pay for it.
And I thought it was working until the last few weeks.
I was commuting until November 2008 - at that point, by oxford I pretty much had to share a table on the up service - sometimes even with three people! (SHOCK!). I was rarely woken up and ask to demake my bed (hoodie as a pillow and cushioning the fixed arm rest with legs across the two seats - I'm 5'3'' so I fit nicely and I take my shoes off!) however I did get glared at by the prof business types sitting opposite (so I look like a chav hoodie in transit, big deal). On the down service it was a scrabble to only have to share with one person until oxford.
When I resumed in April - I did notice first was deserted - I mean deserted. I had a table pretty much all the way to reading to myself and getting on at reading coming home I never had to share with anyone.
Last 4-6 weeks, it is noticably busier. And I dont think its just seasonal variation.
First is fighting back - I dont think the recession lasted long enough for them to ring the death bells