Each time the timetable comes out services are lost ^ it is being eroded all the time
I thought I'd check this assertion against previous, current and future timetables:
Westbound (14 services)
0737, 0808, 0909, 1001, 1106, 1256, 1451, 1619, 1750, 1911, 2036, 2111, 2209, 0013.
Eastbound (13 services)
0532, 0615, 0657, 0759, 1047, 1152, 1501, 1654, 1749, 1916, 2025, 2106, 2214.
MAY 2007
Westbound (14 services)
0740, 0808, 0856, 1001, 1106, 1255, 1450, 1620, 1750, 1914, 2036, 2111, 2209, 0013.
Eastbound (13 services)
0532, 0615, 0657, 0757, 1047, 1152, 1501, 1655, 1749, 1916, 2025, 2106, 2214.
Cant find my copy at the moment - sorry.
MAY 2008
Westbound (15 services + 1 summer only - 1812)
0740, 0808, 0856, 0958, 1107, 1222, 1259, 1453, 1544, 1750, 1812, 1915, 2036, 2113, 2215, 0013.
Eastbound (15 services)
0532, 0615, 0655, 0757, 0857, 1047, 1154, 1306, 1501, 1655, 1751, 1916, 2025, 2106, 2214.
Westbound (17 services)
0739, 0808, 0853, 1007, 1110, 1224, 1259, 1413, 1453, 1542, 1749, 1914, 1935, 2116, 2216, 2232, 0014.
Eastbound (15 services)
0533, 0611, 0658, 0751, 0857, 0952, 1101, 1156, 1305, 1501, 1656, 1751, 1917, 2025, 2219.
MAY 2009
Westbound (15 services + 1 summer only ^ 1353)
0739, 0805, 0853, 1007, 1107, 1224, 1353, 1422, 1454, 1537, 1750, 1915, 1935, 2209, 2231, 0014.
Eastbound (13 services)
0531, 0611, 0751, 0952, 1057, 1157, 1305, 1501, 1656, 1752, 1924, 2030, 2220.
Westbound (15 services)
0739, 0805, 0853, 1007, 1106, 1227, 1422, 1455, 1537, 1750, 1916, 1935, 2210, 2231, 0016.
Eastbound (13 services)
0531, 0611, 0753, 0952, 1057, 1154, 1305, 1501, 1656, 1753, 1927, 2030, 2220.
The trend was actually towards increasing services and plugging gaps up until May 2009, when service changes created a significantly worse Eastbound morning peak service, presumably in order to speed up journey times for Penzance passengers. The evening service has also significantly worsened from the (roughly) hourly base established in December 2006, although this trend actually began in December 2008, continuing into the May 2009 timetable.
A clue to the official reasoning behind the May 2009 service changes can be found in the following quote from the Network Rail
GW▸ RUS▸ :
Initial analysis focused on local service provision, removing various stops(with a proposal for an additional local stopping service implemented) to improve end to end journey times by circa 15 minutes. Various tests were also completed on revising the main line calling pattern with the journey time savings ranging from nine minutes to 18.
However, it became evident that there were potential benefits that could be gained through a review of the strategy of local services between Plymouth and Penzance. Due to the complexities that needed to be considered with the single line sections, park and ride opportunities and main line and branch line connections it was proposed that a greater timetable study should be developed to review this. After discussing this with FGW▸ , it transpired that such timetable work had been undertaken and a number of service changes were being introduced from May 2009. This option was therefore closed with the recommendation to continually review requirements and the calling patterns for journey time improvements as an ongoing timetabling activity with the joint timetable improvement group established between Network Rail and FGW.
The first after-school service back from Truro on weekdays does not arrive in Hayle until 5.50pm...
This is true, but was caused by a retiming of services from what they were in 2006/2007, rather than as a result of a reduction in the number of stops.
...and on Sundays there is nothing between 3.15pm and 8.15pm
He is also quoted as describing the Sunday service as 'appalling'
Westbound (6 services)
1111, 1150, 1247, 1728, 1911, 2056.
Eastbound (4 services)
0904, 1403, 1520, 1912.
MAY 2007
Westbound (6 services)
1051, 1150, 1247, 1632, 1913, 2056.
Eastbound (6 services ^ 1 summer withdrawal ^ 0846)
0846, 0904, 1403, 1802, 1907, 2007.
Cant find my copy at the moment - sorry.
MAY 2008
Westbound (6 services)
1056, 1219, 1309, 1637, 1910, 2106.
Eastbound (4 services + 1 summer only ^ 1802)
0845, 1403, 1520, 1802, 2012.
Westbound (6 services)
1119, 1220, 1302, 1716, 1904, 2110.
Eastbound (4 services)
0852, 1403, 1520, 2012.
MAY 2009
Westbound (6 services)
1106, 1227, 1300, 1719, 1921, 2133.
Eastbound (5 services + 1 summer only - 1802)
0852, 1244, 1403, 1518, 1802, 2012.
Westbound (6 services)
1106, 1225, 1300, 1722, 1922, 2128.
Eastbound (5 services)
0850, 1244, 1403, 1520, 2017.
The level of Sunday service provision has been consistently very low, well below the Monday-Friday level. The long service gap that Paul Birch refers to does indeed exist, but has tended to be plugged in the summer months.